Abuse Prevention Training for Volunteers Abuse Prevention Refresher for Volunteers
Abuse Prevention Information
Here are the answers to your questions about what to do in regards to Abuse Prevention for Volunteers - especially for your summer camps:
Abuse Prevention Information
Here are the answers to your questions about what to do in regards to Abuse Prevention for Volunteers - especially for your summer camps:
- If a church leader has completed our Abuse Prevention training previously, he/she is not required to repeat the training. We ask that they review our Abuse Prevention policy or the Volunteer Abuse Prevention Refresher and sign the Church agreement form. This must be done each year. They are responsible to make sure their staff and volunteers have completed the Abuse Prevention training or Refresher if they have already completed the training last year.
- If a church is new to helping with a camp we ask that they complete the training at Abuse Prevention Systems. Email Sharon Hartwig ([email protected]) to get them set up. You will need to send her the leader's name and email address for her to register them. They will be responsible for making sure the people they bring follow NAIM’s AbusePrevention policy. Once we sign someone up, they will automatically receive an email with the link to view the videos and take the quiz.
- If an individual is helping with children/youth, they need to complete the Abuse Prevention training if they haven't already. Again, email [email protected] and include their name and email address to get them registered for the training. If it is a group of individuals with no leader, you can set up a group training time and have them watch the videos together. In this case, instead of taking the quiz at the end, have your volunteers sign the Volunteer Agreement form and send them into the office for our records
- If an individual is NOT helping with children/youth but just doing support work e.g., helping in the kitchen, blowing up balloons, etc., they are not required to do our Abuse Prevention training or complete any forms. However, they cannot be responsible for or be alone with any children/youth at the camp/event. A record check is still necessary for these kinds of volunteers.
- NAIM policy dictates that all volunteers are to complete a criminal record check either with NAIM or with their church/organization.
- If they don't have a criminal record check already: in Canada, have volunteers get a record check done at their local RCMP office. In the US, contact Karen Markloff ([email protected]) to see what is required.
- ** Criminal Record checks will need to be updated according to NAIM's 5-year schedule (2025 is the next year new record checks for all NAIM staff and volunteers will be needed.)
- If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Sharon Hartwig by email at [email protected].